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5 Furnace Noises & What They Mean in Your Los Banos, CA Home

December 14, 2020

A strange furnace sound in your Los Banos, CA, home may be a sign of a serious problem. Here are the following furnace noises that spell trouble.

1. Rattling

Your furnace’s motor or fan may have broken components if you hear rattling. A complete system failure is possible when you hear rattling from your furnace and don’t have it quickly fixed by a heating technician.

If the rattling sound occurs before the blower turns on, you might have a cracked heat exchanger. This could be dangerous because of the gases within the heat exchanger.

2. Booming

Booming sounds from a furnace are typically caused by gas buildup and delayed ignition. This problem is common in old furnaces. You should replace your furnace if it’s old and has been making booming sounds.

3. Squealing

Faulty belts, failing motors and bearings in need of lubrication are common reasons for squealing from a furnace. These are problems we frequently fix throughout Los Banos, CA, and prevent through annual tune-ups. You probably won’t need to replace the furnace unless it’s old.

4. Scraping

Scraping is an alarming sound because it might be from sharp metals coming into contact with other parts of the system. You should turn off the furnace to prevent more damage until you can have a professional inspect the furnace. However, scraping could also signal a less serious problem like bearings in need of lubrication.

5. Chirping

It’s normal for your furnace to chirp when you first turn it on for the cold season. This is because the furnace hasn’t operated in a while.

If the chirping sound doesn’t go away after five minutes — enough time for the furnace to kick on — then there may be a problem with the belts. We recommend scheduling a fall tune-up before you turn on the furnace to have peace of mind that nothing is wrong with it.

Always take it seriously when your furnace makes an unusual sound because this is a sign it needs repairs, whether minor or major. Procrastinating on calling a heating repair company will result in the problems getting worse. Contact CEN-CAL AIR Heating and Cooling to schedule an appointment for furnace repair in Los Banos, CA.

Image provided by iStock

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