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Do Commercial HVAC Systems Impact Employees?

Commercial HVAC Maintenance

If your commercial HVAC system in your Los Banos, CA, office building isn’t up to snuff, this will have a negative impact on your company overall. Your commercial HVAC system can impact the productivity of your employees in the following ways:

Impact Employee Comfort

Research from many authoritative bodies shows time and again that employees are more productive in comfortable working conditions. If your commercial HVAC system cannot properly regulate the temperature throughout the building, you risk seeing a significant decrease in productivity. That’s because employees will feel too uncomfortable to focus on their work. It’s critical to schedule regular HVAC maintenance calls to keep your system running at peak performance.

Influence Employee Health

Commercial HVAC systems not only regulate the temperature in indoor environments. They also keep humidity at healthy levels. If indoor humidity exceeds 60%, this provides a perfect environment for biological contaminants to grow and thrive, which can have a significant impact on employee health. Health problems equal more time off work along with decreased productivity.

Distract Employees

Noise pollution in the office impacts office workers. Part of that noise pollution can include a poorly maintained commercial HVAC system that makes strange noises while it operates or an outdated system with no noise reduction technology. If you have a loud HVAC system in your business establishment, you need to consider an assessment to see if some repairs can make it run quieter or if you may need a complete system upgrade to one that runs more efficiently.

If you have concerns that your commercial HVAC system has a negative impact on employee productivity, it’ll benefit you to schedule a call with an HVAC service technician to discuss your options. Contact CEN-CAL AIR Heating and Cooling for indoor air quality and other HVAC solutions in Los Banos, CA.

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