HVAC technician bag on top of ac unit with a clipboard that says "schedule service"

When Is the Best Time to Schedule Heating Repair in Los Banos, CA?

November 18, 2020

Given the central role that heating systems play in making your home in Los Banos, CA, comfortable, it’s always important to ensure they are in great shape. The good news is that most heating systems tend to give clear signs of impending trouble. If you notice any of the following early warning signs, schedule an appointment with a heating repair expert before it’s too late.

A Sudden Increase in Power Bills

If you notice that your power bills are outrageously high, chances are that there’s a problem with your heating system. It has probably gotten more inefficient, and as such, it’s taking a long time to heat your home. Since this inefficiency means that it’s spending more time and energy to do the same job, it’s likely to reflect in your power bills.

However, it’s important to note that utility companies occasionally adjust their rates. Therefore, before calling a heating repair expert, make sure that the increase is not due to an increase in energy rates.

Strange Noises

Strange noises are a common sign of wear and tear. If you start hearing squealing noises, creaking or banging, you should think about contacting a heating expert. A technician would change your system’s bearings, lubricate its moving parts, tighten loose screws, replace some parts and other maintenance tasks.

The Need to Constantly Adjust the Thermostat

A malfunctioning heating system can cause warm and cold spots in your home. This may make it hard for you to find the right temperature. Therefore, if there’s nothing wrong with your thermostat and the problem persists, it may be time for you to schedule a heating repair.

These are the most common signs that a system is breaking down. Therefore, as soon as you notice them, you should contact CEN-CAL AIR Heating and Cooling for reliable heating repair services.

Image provided by iStock

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