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Why Does My Furnace Make My Home Smell Funny?

Furnace Signage

The furnace in your Newman, CA, home can develop odors under certain conditions. The type of odor may vary, but if you detect the rotten-egg smell of natural gas, always exit the building and call for help from outside. Here are tips to pinpoint the source of common furnace odors:

Dust Has Built Up

Dust frequently builds up on coils, near vents, on your filter and inside the ductwork. This can cause a faint burning smell. Regularly changing your air filter and wiping down vents can help prevent dust buildup.

It’s common for dust to build up when you haven’t used your furnace for a while. Your home may have the faint smell of smoke for a day while the furnace starts up for the season. If the smell continues, you may want to call a service technician for heating repairs.

You Have a Gas Leak

Natural gas leaks will almost always smell like sulfur or rotten eggs. The smell of diesel may be from a line in your house or somewhere outside. You should have a professional check for leaks if you notice fuel smells or your carbon monoxide detector goes off.

Malfunctioning or Overheating Furnace

If you notice a plastic smell when you turn your furnace on, you should turn it off immediately and call a service technician to check it out. The smell is likely from malfunctioning parts. An electrical issue could also cause a plastic smell.

Cracked components and items lodged in your system can also cause smoke or unusual fumes. Unidentifiable fumes can come from plastic or thin metal items melting next to a hot furnace. Cracked components may leak fuel or other chemicals while they build up in the affected area.

Call us at CEN-CAL AIR Heating and Cooling for routine maintenance, odor control and emergency HVAC services. With the right repairs, we can keep your system running efficiently and odor-free.

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